簡歷編號:29246 查看次數(shù):個人簡歷
基本資料 | ||||
姓 名: | 王文斌 | 性 別: | 男 | ![]() |
出生年份: | 1979年 | 婚姻狀況: | 已婚 | |
民 族: | 漢 | 政治面貌: | 群眾 | |
畢業(yè)學校: | 西安理工大學 | 所學專業(yè): | 材料科學與工程 | |
最高學歷: | 大學本科 | 工作經(jīng)驗: | 10年以上 | |
現(xiàn)所在地: | 廣東汕尾 | 籍貫: | 陜西西安 | |
技術(shù)特長: | 鋼結(jié)構(gòu)工程質(zhì)量控制,鋼橋塔,鋼箱梁制作過程質(zhì)量控制,鋼結(jié)構(gòu)焊接檢驗,管線施工檢驗制定檢驗計劃,項目文 |
求職意向 | |||
希望從事崗位: | 質(zhì)檢部主管 質(zhì)量管理員 QC 鋼構(gòu)項目經(jīng)理 | ||
希望工作地區(qū): | 上海 廣東省 四川省 陜西省 | ||
崗位類別: | 質(zhì)檢/質(zhì)量管理 | 求職狀態(tài): | 已離職,即刻到崗 |
是否要求住宿: | 不限 | 月薪要求: | 面議 |
工作經(jīng)歷 |
工作經(jīng)歷: 2019年11月 – 至今 廈門新長誠鋼構(gòu)工程有限公司 職位:項目經(jīng)理 工作描述: 漳州奇美化工鋼構(gòu)預(yù)制項目的文件編寫以及客戶驗廠等項目開工準備工作,任項目副經(jīng)理; 森松項目的文件編制提交,項目開工準備工作,任項目副經(jīng)理;三星泰石油項目操作平臺的前期準備工作。 中石化古雷煉化一體化上海院EOEG鋼構(gòu)預(yù)制項目,任項目經(jīng)理,此項目鋼構(gòu)總量約3800噸; 廣東石化中國寰球乙烯裝置,石油焦制氫裝置,全密度聚乙烯裝置鋼結(jié)構(gòu)預(yù)制項目,任項目經(jīng)理,此項目鋼構(gòu)總噸位約4萬噸。 2017年10月 –2019年06月 廣東港重綠建機械工程 職位:質(zhì)量經(jīng)理 工作描述: 負責項目初期的文件編寫,制定ITP,指導和監(jiān)督檢驗員的日常工作。指導QA小組的工作,及時完成各項檢驗任務(wù),按時提交各項QA文件,確保公司產(chǎn)品符合項目要求以及標準要求,降低質(zhì)量客訴頻次。維護ISO3834,EN1090,ISO9001質(zhì)量體系的運行。 CG公司99%產(chǎn)品為出口產(chǎn)品。主要出口澳大利亞,新西蘭,東南亞,北美等地。兩年期間,我們參與建造香港啟德機場復(fù)合柱建造,港珠澳大橋附屬結(jié)構(gòu)制造,新西蘭地鐵站工程?ㄋ枠蛄杭軜驒C械,澳洲橋梁模板,美國橋梁臨時塔建造,拉斯維加斯體育場鋼構(gòu)制造,香港南丫島電廠鋼結(jié)構(gòu)建造......,兩年期間,帶領(lǐng)品質(zhì)部員工完成數(shù)量超過100個以上各類項目的質(zhì)量保障工作。 2015年03月 –2017年06月 ATEMA 職位:QA,QC 項目:加拿大鋼橋 工作描述: 參與由加拿大PCL工程公司承建的一座新型橋梁,兩年多時間里,我們常駐江蘇靖江中泰橋梁廠進行橋梁的制造過程質(zhì)量控制工作。 工作內(nèi)容涵蓋了來料檢驗,開料,裝配到焊接過程,以及NDT檢驗,QA文件提交等。 2011年11月 –2014年11月 CALTROP(SHANGHAI)卡拓工程管理咨詢(上海) 職位:QA,QC 項目:蘇格蘭福斯橋,鋼箱梁建造,焊接檢驗,質(zhì)量協(xié)調(diào)員 工作描述: 參加了在上海振華重工長興基地建造的蘇格蘭 Forth 橋的建造。負責鋼箱梁的板單元制作,以及鋼箱梁的組裝工序的驗收工作。 在3年的工作中,為施工方發(fā)現(xiàn),并排除了大量的質(zhì)量隱患。工作實事求是,認真負責,得到了施工方以及客戶工程師的認可。 2006年08月 –2011年08月 深圳神視工程顧問有限公司 2008年03月 –2011年08月 深圳神視工程顧問有限公司 美國海灣大橋 工作描述: 參加在上海振華重工長興基地的美國鋼橋項目(舊金山-奧克蘭海灣大橋),負責質(zhì)量協(xié)調(diào)工作,主要職責是大橋鋼箱梁的制作與總裝配的檢驗工作,以及船運準備工作。 在大橋的建造期間,負責帶領(lǐng)團隊完成了對12個生產(chǎn)車間,以及外場的組裝作業(yè)的過程質(zhì)量控制工作。 2006年08月 –2008年03月 深圳神視檢驗有限公司 海洋平臺 工作描述: 2006年8月派往赤灣勝寶旺QC,負責文昌項目19-1, 19-2,渤海19-6導 管架的制管,導管架主體結(jié)構(gòu)焊接檢驗,及附屬件:浮筒,裙座,井口,管線的裝配焊接質(zhì)量控制。 2007年10月 渤海二期工程海上平臺的建造以及管線的安裝驗收,壓力測試工作,參與平臺旋轉(zhuǎn)柱的制造過程質(zhì)量保證工作。 2005年04月 –2006年06月 中山中化工程(山峰化工現(xiàn)改名為中澤重工) 職位:QC 工作描述: 材料工程師,質(zhì)量工程師 負責材料的保管,開料尺寸,裝配尺寸,焊接質(zhì)量的控制,也包括零件的機加工尺寸檢驗. 負責香港昂船洲大橋不銹鋼鋼塔以及內(nèi)部錨箱的尺寸,焊接質(zhì)量檢驗。 中化工程山峰化工壓力容器的尺寸檢驗工作,負責封頭旋壓工序尺寸檢驗,容器筒體卷筒,對接尺寸檢驗,換熱器管路PT檢驗。 APPLICATIONS FOR JOBS: Quality Manager PERSONAL INFORMATION: Candidate : Wang Wenbin Gender: Male Date of birth : 1979.05 Current Residence: Guangdong EDUCATION: 1999.09- 2003.07 Xian University of technology Bachelor Material science and engineering Qualifications:: ISO/9001 assessor qualification CWI 11122401 CHSNDT UT level 2, CHSNDT MT level 2 CWB 17137 CSWIP 3.1 317191 SCWI WORK EXPERIENCE: 11. 2019 – Current XIAMEN NCCSTEEL ENGINEERING CO,.LTO Position: Project Manger Job deion: Served as the deputy project manager in the Zhangzhou Qimei Chemical Steel structure prefabrication project .To be responsible for the document preparation and other project start preparationwork; Prepare and submit the documents of Morimatsu project, prepare for the start of the project, and act as the deputy project manager; The preparatory work for the operation platform of Samsung thailand Petroleum Project. Served as the project manager of EOEG Steel structure prefabrication project of Gulei Refining and Chemical Integration Shanghai Institute of Sinopec. The total amount of steel structure of this project is about 3,800 tons. I served as the project manager of steel structure prefabrication project of Guangdong Petrochemical China Huanqiu contracting, The total steel structure tonnage of this project is about 40,000 tons. 10. 2017 – 06. 2019 CHINA GRAND Position: QA manager Job deion: According to client requirements to preparation of ITP. Guide and ensure the inspection plan is carried out by the production process. Ensuring that the quality of all phases throughout the project including procurement, construction and inspection activities etc. are properly controlled, maintained and achieved as required。Check inspectors routine work,ensure ITP requirements to be followed. Organize and submit QA documents.Maintain the normal operation of ISO3834, EN1090, ISO9001 quality system. CG Mainly exported to Australia, New Zealand, southeast Asia, North America and other places. I have Participate in building manufacturing of the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge, and the subway station project in New Zealand.Bridge construction machinery in Qatar, bridge formwork in Australia, temporary bridge tower construction in the United States,annex manufacturing in Las Vegas, steel structure construction of lamma island power plant in Hong Kong. During the two-year period, led the staff of quality department to complete the quality assurance work of more than 100 projects. 03. 2015 – 06. 2017 ATEMA Position: QA,QC Project Name: Canadian steel bridge (Johnson street bridge) Job deion: New steel bascule bridge to replace existing structure managed by General Contractor PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. more than two yeas, I participate as Quality control of bridge manufacturing process in Jingjiang, Jiangsu Zhongtai Bridge Factory. Work covers incoming cutting, assembly to welding process, NDT inspection, QA document submission, etc. 11. 2011 – 11. 2014 CALTROP Position: QA/QC welding Inspector, MT Inspector Project Name: Forth bridge Site:Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (ZPMC), Shanghai, China Client:America bridge (AB) Job deion: Responsibilities: including training, tracking, inspecting, and reviewing welding quality control plans. Check the weld procedures and qualification of welders, Found the problem, Record the unqualified item, and analyze the reason, give a reasonable opinion, supervise and guide the contractor in accordance with the correct method of construction, in order to reduce the repair. Check Materials, personnel, preheating, assembling, Deformation control welding process, visual inspection and MT. Witness the NDT,Check the drawings, finishing pauch list. I have In charge of four shops for plate segment assembly, two shops for cross beam assembly and the construction of the temporary tower. In the passed two years working, I have issued out lots of quality problems and drawing error during the production. I always work hard,carefully and responsibly. My effective work has been recognized by the producer and owner engineer. Project Deion:Three tower cable-stayed bridge, the use of (650 + 650) m mainspan, across two of the main channel.The steel structure always weighs about 20256 tons, 125 box girder construction in China, temporary steel structure always weighs about 4354 tons.. 08. 2006 – 08. 2011 Sense Engineering Services Co., Ltd 03. 2008 – 08. 2011 San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Project Name: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Site: Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (ZPMC), Shanghai, China. Client:The state of California Responsibilities: Quality Control Welding Inspector - Responsibilities included observing and approving the steel.Fabrication, enforcing the required welding specifications, approving welders, monitoring the applications.of contractors welding procedures, and providing fit-up, in-process, and final welding inspection.Primarily focusing on confirming compliance with contract documents and specifications during the.Fabrication and prior to shipment; and reporting non-conforming issues to facilitate appropriate.Corrective actions. Additional duties included tracking of labor and materials associated with the project.to assist the client with claims and budgeting matters. Project Deion:Weighs 13000 tons single pillar support the total weight of 70000 tons, the seismic design for magnitude 8, 12 lanes, a bicycle lanes, middle bridge deck width of 70 meters. 07. 2007 – 03. 2008 Offshore production platform and pipe line Project: Bohai II Phase 19-6 Soft Yoke Mooring System Fabrication Name of Company: Sense Engineering Services Co., Ltd. Position: QC Site:Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Client: Conoco Phillips/Bluewater Responsibilities: Ensure implementation of client procedures and requirements.Welding inspection and accessory quality control in ocean platform and pipeline installation ,welding and pipeline Pressure tests, Check and make the pauch list. Especially in the last 1 months of field work 12 hours a day, to ensure that the 196 platform rotational part according to the standard assembly and welding. Project Deion:The rotation of the total weight of 5252 tons of soft yoke mooring system 08. 2006 – 07. 2007 Offshore Project: WEN CHANG19-1 A and19-1B jackets Name of Company: Sense Engineering Services Co., Ltd. Position: QC Site:Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Client:CNOOC Responsibilities : WPS and PQR review and welder qualification test. Ensure implementation of client procedures and requirements.Welding inspection and accessory quality control in ocean platform and pipeline installation and pipeline Pressure tests and Shipping working. Project Deion:WenChang 191a and 191b jackets ,The depth of 130 meters,About 3000 tons each 04. 2005 – 06. 2006 Guangdong Shanfeng Chemical Machinery Position: QC Project: Hong Kong Stonecutters Bridge Site:Guangdong Shanfeng Chemical Machinery Client:Hitachi Responsibilities : Quality Control Engineer - Responsible for inspection work on pressure vessels, heat exchangers,materials, cutting, performing material tracking, fit-up inspection, and welding inspection. Worked for the Hong Kong Stonecutters Bridge as a material and quality inspector. Scope of work Included on material verification, cutting, fit up, welding inspection, and inspection the components machining dimension according to the BS standard. Project Deion:The worlds third long cable-stayed bridge.Mainspan bridge is 1018 meters long, even the ramp length of 1596 meters, east, west bridge tower height of 290 meters, with duplex stainless steel bridge tower shell, The shell welding adopting GTAW welding. |
個人簡介 |
2002年 完成 ISO/9000內(nèi)審員資格培訓, 獲得內(nèi)審員資格 2011年 美國焊接學會 CWI 11122401 2012年 中國機械工程學會無損檢測學會 UT二級 2013年 中國機械工程學會無損檢測學會 MT 二級 2015年 ASNT MT 二級 2016年 ASNT PT二級 2016年 加拿大焊接學會 CWB 17137 2017年 CSWIP 3.1 317191 2018年 廣東省鋼結(jié)構(gòu)建筑工程師中級職稱 2019年 博商學院管理培訓 2019年 自動化機器人編程 PLC培訓,機器人焊接技術(shù)培訓 2021年 美國焊接學會 SCWI 鋼結(jié)構(gòu)工程質(zhì)量控制,鋼橋塔,鋼箱梁制作過程質(zhì)量控制,鋼結(jié)構(gòu)焊接檢驗,管線施工檢驗制定檢驗計劃,項目文件編寫,員工培訓,焊接檢驗員技能及職業(yè)素養(yǎng)培訓 ,質(zhì)量體系管理,生產(chǎn)計劃協(xié)調(diào),項目執(zhí)行在過去的項目執(zhí)行過程中應(yīng)用過 EN / ISO,AS/NZS,美標,國標,加拿大,香港鋼結(jié)構(gòu)規(guī)范 |
相關(guān)證書 |
聯(lián)系方式 |